Day: June 16, 2022

Game-Changing Technology: How Angelina Lawton Revolutionized the Sports Industry

Grit Daily Interviews CEO Angelina Lawton The two 8-inch guns protruded out of the bellowing cruiser, the HMS Kent, which held the crew of the Royal Navy. The men changed out of their neat blue uniforms, switching into plain t-shirts and shorts, sweeping the floor while waving their hockey sticks in the air. This makeshift …

Game-Changing Technology: How Angelina Lawton Revolutionized the Sports Industry Read More »

The Founder of Sportsdigita, Angelina Lawton Talks about the Evolution of Tech and Sports

Angelina Lawton Sits Down With Vents Magazine You would think given the sheer size of the sports industry, there would be an incessant desire for the latest technologies to carry out multiple complex decisions. A wide range of use cases for sports tech exists including tracking, athletic performance, in-arena activations, training for injuries, and monitoring …

The Founder of Sportsdigita, Angelina Lawton Talks about the Evolution of Tech and Sports Read More »